terça-feira, maio 10, 2011

District 97 - Midwest/East Coast Tour Starts Mon. 5/16

District 97 is delighted to be teaming up with Swedish prog rockers Agents of Mercy (featuring legendary guitarist Roine Stolt of The Flower Kings and Transatlantic) for a tour of the US that kicks off next Monday, 5/16.  Here are the dates:
Shank Hall w/Agents of Mercy
Monday, May 16th in Milwaukee, WI
Get tickets at
http://www.shankhall.com/ $20

Martyrs' w/Agents of Mercy
Tuesday, May 17th in Chicago, IL
Get tickets at
http://www.martyrslive.com/ $25

Winchester Music Hall w/Agents of Mercy
Wednesday, May 18th in Cleveland, OH
Get tickets at
http://www.thewinchester.net/concertschedule.html $20

Orion Sound Studios w/Agents of Mercy
Thursday, May 19th in Baltimore, MD
More info at
Tickets available at the door, $30

Magic Room w/Agents of Mercy
Friday, May 20th in Brighton, MA
Get tickets at
http://newears.org/. Only 80 seats! $35 advance, $40 at door

Rockin' Joe (No AoM, 2 sets of District 97)
Saturday, May 21st in Kendall Park, NJ
Tickets available at the door, $20 

Rites of Spring Festival (No AoM)
Sunday, May 22nd @ Majestic Theater in Gettysburg, PA
Get tickets at
The fest starts on Friday, 5/20, and includes other great bands like Moon Safari, Mars Hollow, Daemonia, and many more!
Other D97 News
-D97 is one of 9 bands entered into a contest affiliated with CBS. If we make the top 3 we get to film a documentary w/concert footage (DVD bonus feature?). If we win, we headline a show at Chicago's Metro. Voting is really simple (must be logged onto Facebook). We'd appreciate your mouse-click at http://botb.tribecaflashpoint.com/band01.php if you have a moment. You can vote once a day through Friday.
-Here's a second contest where we could win a ton of gear with the help of your mouse-click (takes about 3 seconds): http://www.soundandvisionmag.com/breakingout/video_contest/2/videos/all/1651
-This isn't D97, but it features 4 of the 5 of us (no Rob) doing a version of that 80's gem "Walking on Sunshine". Free download at http://lesliehunt.bandcamp.com/track/walkin-on-sunshine
-D97 is most likely entering the studio in June to begin work on our 2nd CD. We're really excited about the new material and can't wait to share it with you all. Problem is, studio time is expensive! If you'd like to help ensure the album reaches its potential, please consider making a donation through our site at http://district97.net/merch.html. We've got lots of gifts for those who do (credit in the liner notes, signed merch, play on the album etc.)! Regular purchases are a great help too.
- From cellist Katinka Kleijn, "Dear District 97 fans, I am very sad to announce that due to the commitments that my job at the Chicago Symphony as well as solo projects require, I can no longer fulfill my responsibilities as a band member of District 97. It has been a blast (literally ;) and an amazing adventure for me, that widened my musical mind and horizon. The musicians of District 97 are some of the most inspiring and brilliant musicians I have ever played with, and I know that very great things are in the future for District 97. Thank you everybody for your awesome support in the last years and for listening!!!" We thank Katinka for lending her singular talents to us during the past few years, and wish her all the best in her future endeavours. In the meantime, there are many exciting things in store for District 97 that we can't wait to share with all of our fantastic supporters!

Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal - E-Zine