sábado, maio 26, 2012

KLOGR - First gigs in Europe!

Just back from the States where they just closed the mixings of some songs with producer Logan Mader for their upcoming EP, the tireless KLOGR continue their "Till You Decay" promotional tour in Europe.
The next confirmed dates are:
6 Wed - L'Appart Cafe - Reims (FRANCE)
7 Thu - K-Fées - Valdoie (FRANCE)
8 Fri - Le Korigan - Luynes (FRANCE)
9 Sat - L'Altherax - Nice (FRANCE)
28 Thu - Sea Legend Steak House – Pozzuoli (NA)- (ITALY)
12 Thu - Festa PD – Correggio (RE) – (ITALY)
19 Thu - Happyness Festival – Castelfidardo (AN) – (ITALY)
20 Fri - Torino Metal est – Collegno (TO) – (ITALY)
It is also planned in July the release of "Silk and Thorns", the new single of the band, with a new video taken from the live shows and the trips in the US and in Europe. 
In the meantime new videos will be soon presented on their YouTube channel as reportages of the US tour!
Here is the first webisode, enjoy!
Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal - E-Zine