segunda-feira, abril 08, 2013

Aldo Pinelli new album Suite Italiana

The last Saturday April 6th was released in Treviso, Italy, the new cd ITALIAN SUITE in a concert with the italian band Magnetic Sound Machine.
Aldo Pinelli's trio has been playing since 1990.
Whilst on holidays with a group of friends in the Atlantic Coast of Buenos Aires, he played some classic guitar repertoire. They all agreed that his music was very beautiful. Their comments led him to the idea of playing live integrating keyboards and flute.
In May of that year, Pinelli performed his first concert and later again in May and September of 1991.
His music reflected the influence of the classical style acquired during his conservatory days, and also that of the Celtic, the ancient music and the impressionist period.
Ten years on, in 2001, Pinelli revived the project, seriously thinking about making a CD which included those same old songs. The process started slowly, but meanwhile he wrote some more arrangements for the other instruments.
Some changes of musicians took place and Pinelli established the new band formed totally with women.
Since 2002 concerts have been going on and clothes for the shows are carefully selected.
This time he included also a woman on percussion.
"Una Selección De Viejas Canciones: Montañas, Bosques Y Lagos" [A Selection Of Old Songs: Mountains, Woods And Lakes], his first independent production, was released in September 2007.
The second cd. "Mantos y Tapices Sobrepuestos: Otra Selección de Viejas Canciones" (Superposed Shrouds and Tapestries: Another Selection of Old Songs) was released in October 2009.
The third cd, "The Era of Melania: women, places and moments" was released in April 2011 with music composed by Aldo during pregnancy of this wife, silvia, hoping to Melania.
In November 2012 saw the light "Rainy Season", with music very different from the previous cds and, in April 2013, will be released in Italy, before Argentina, "Italian Suite", a new and different expeience.
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