sexta-feira, julho 15, 2011

Knight Area will release our 4th studio album

New album release October 2011

In October, we will release our 4th studio album. Recordings havefinished, and mixing and mastering is in progress. The artworkis finished and we think it is absolutely fenomenal!
Wehave been working very hard over the last months, and theresults are promising! The album will be released in the DRUCultuurfabriek in Ulft (NL) on October 8, and you can buy ournew album after the show. We will perform 2 sets, it will be areal progrock evening!
The album will be in the stores fromOctober 25. If you want to be the first to have the new album3 weeks prior to commercial release, be sure to join us at DRUCultuurfabriek on October 8.

Tickets are available at sales go strong, so order your ticket online to be sureto have yours 'secured'. Sympho Shop and SymfoZone will contribute to the evening by playing yourfavorite progressive rock music before and after the KnightArea show.

LIVEPROG album release video's

Watch the Knight Area album release video series on LiveProg TV!
Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal - E-Zine