segunda-feira, março 19, 2012

Help Fund The Red Masque's New Album Mythalogue

The Red Masque

Help Fund the Band's New Album

A Kickstarter campaign has been launched to raise funds for the new album, Mythalogue.

Philadelphia avant rock band The Red Masque are heading back into the studio in April 2012 to create their fifth full-length album, Mythalogue. The group will be recording at Orion Sound Studios in Baltimore with Mike Potter as an engineer. Acclaimed musician and producer Bob Drake is mixing the album. The album will include such tracks as "The Dark Salt Sea", "The Wendigo", "The Song for Icarus", "The Minotaur" and "The Labyrinth" (an improvisation), as well as some audio surprises. Mythalogue is a thematic album using world mythology as inspiration. Lyrical content can be found on the band's discography page on their website at

The money that the band is asking for will help fund  the recording / mixing costs associated with the recording. The Red Masque are asking for $1,500 in donations to help fund Mythalogue. The total recording costs will actually be more than 1,500 dollars, but this amount would greatly help the band fund the project without having to rob their collective savings accounts :). If the band receives funding over this goal, it will be put toward associated costs (like mixing costs,  rehearsal room rental etc.). 

Please click on this link to contribute to our campaign fund: 
We need to reach our goal in by Friday Apr 27, 6:00pm EDT.or we will not receive any funding through Kickstarter. 
We've included lots of very exciting and unique incentives to those who choose to donate (from private concerts from the band to original artwork to free music). We hope you will help us reach our goal!

Please visit our Kickstarter campaign online and view a video from the band talking about the album as well as to get more information about the campaign.

Additional Information / Links
For more on The Red Masque, click here:
For more on Bob Drake click here:

Video Updates:
We will also be taking the video camera into the recording studio with us and  posting updates as we go along. We'll be posting these updates on our kickstarter page as well as on our facebook page at

The Band wishes to thank every person that donates to this fund drive. We love you! (Even if Cthulhu does not!). 

BONUS Pay-What-You-Want Download Now Available: As an added bonus / thank you present, we've made our second album, "Feathers for Flesh" (2004), available as a pay-what-you-want download off of our site. Enjoy!

Thank you,

The Red Masque
Brandon Lord Ross, Lynnette Shelley, Nicholas Giannetti, Steve Craig

Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal - E-Zine