quarta-feira, março 07, 2012

Kappa Crucis: watch videos of the new album recordings

The Brazilian heavy rock band KAPPA CRUCIS is still in the studio
recording its second effort. Although the album title has not been
defined, the name of some tracks have been revealed: "Invisible Man",
"Flags And Lies", "Strange Soul", "Mecathronic", "What Comes Down" and
"Nobody Knows".

The album is being recorded at Ger Som Studio in the city of Itapeva,
Sao Paulo, same place where they did record the high acclaimed debut
Jewel Box from 2009.

The band recently shot some videos of the guitars and drums recordings
which are already available on Youtube:
http://youtu.be/_FawNYBzEys (Guitars)
http://youtu.be/pqenCg6zEtQ (Drums)

The musicians are also registering all the recording steps on the
'studio report' that it's available on the band's Facebook page

The new KAPPA CRUCIS album is expected to reach the stores in July.

For Further Information:
www.myspace.com/kappacrucis (Myspace)
www.twitter.com/kappacrucisband (Twitter)
www.youtube.com/kappacrucisband (Youtube)
www.facebook.com/kappacrucisband (Facebook)
www.orkut.com.br/Main#Profile?uid=4665482887421439302 (Orkut)
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