quarta-feira, março 28, 2012


October 4,5,6 & 7th, 2012

Grand Opera House, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

Farfest 2012 will be a 4-day musical event showcasing progressive rock bands from the 1970's. Some bands have reformed exclusively for this festival, and for most, it will be their first ever U.S. appearance. Farfest 2012 will emphasize production values that focus on recapturing that 70's vibe.

While many of the performers at Farfest 2012 may have had relatively limited commercial success in America, their artistic vision continues to inspire a new generation of fans and musicians worldwide. Performing alongside these legendary 70's bands are several outstanding contemporary exemplars of the 1970's progressive manner.

Farfest 2012 represents an historic opportunity for performers and aficionados alike to gather in a majestic, yet intimate setting to celebrate the resurgence of an extraordinary musical tradition that just might reverberate far into the future.

3/26/12 Farfest 2012 - 'The curiosity factor is at an all-time high'

The 'curiosity factor' of Farfest 2012 has been noted in a recent article by Ryan Cormier of DelawareOnLine. To read this article, which includes some vintage photos of several bands that will be performing at Farfest, please see From afar, here come the prog rockers. You can leave comments about the article and Farfest 2012 by visiting Ryan's blog site 'Pulp Culture' at Four-day prog rock festival coming to the Grand.

1/15/12 Farfest Disclaimer

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Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal - E-Zine