quinta-feira, julho 11, 2013

PROGDAY PRESHOW on Friday Features ProgDay Alumni!

On Friday night, August 30, Local 506 will host a trio of performances by great bands that have played the main stage at past ProgDays:

• HALF PAST FOUR (ProgDay 2010) -
First band of the evening will be Half Past Four playing creative modern progressive rock that deftly straddles and side steps from one genre to another. The band will be performing material from the new 2013 release Good Things.

• DREADNAUGHT (ProgDay 2012) -
Dreadnaught will be up second, performing its unclassifiable mix of progressive rock, Americana, jazz, funk ...and that's just in the first tune! Dreadnaught will be showcasing material from the band's upcoming album Hard Chargin' to be released early next year.

• 3RDEGREE (ProgDay 2009) -
Finishing off the evening's performances will be 3RDegree.  Often compared to bands like IZZ and Echolyn, 3RDegree performs its "challenging music to play with a memorable, singable calling card," featuring material from last year's critically acclaimed The Long Division.

When established, ticket prices and start time will be posted on the PRESHOW page at www.progday.net.

ProgDay 2013 is the 19th edition of the longest running progressive rock festival in the world.  The festival will be held on Saturday, August 31, and Sunday, September 1, at Storybook Farm, Chapel Hill, NC.  Confirmed acts for this year include MIRIODOR (Canada), SOUND OF CONTACT (US), THANK YOU SCIENTIST (US) and SIMAKDIALOG (Indonesia). More bands to be announced soon. For more information, and to hear music from all of this year's bands, please visit us at www.progday.net.